Tuesday, January 28, 2020
What Opportunities Made Cinemexs Success Possible Finance Essay
What Opportunities Made Cinemexs Success Possible Finance Essay Several factors made it possible for Cinemex to emerge as a highly successful exhibition movie theatre chain. First, the Mexican exhibition market was highly regulated for decades and these regulations established a fixed, low ticket price. This provided a disincentive for exhibition owners to invest in their properties since they were unable to raise ticket prices to compensate for their investments. The end-result was a growing collection of old and dilapidated theatres. When the regulations were lifted, Cinemex co-founders Matt Heyman, Adolfo Fastlich, and Miguel Angel Davila believed that an opportunity to provide a high-end movie watching experience by constructing state-of-the-art theatres existed. The team followed a strategy of differentiation through branding. Cinemex improved moviegoers experiences by installing larger screens, providing better sound, employing courteous staff, and making other improvements over what was considered the typical Mexican exhibition. Based on t he information available, this quality advantage seemed to last at least until Cinemex was acquired by Canadian buyout firm Onex. Next, Cinemex capitalized on the declining value of the peso in late 1994 and early 1995. This decline allowed Cinemex to purchase land at a cheaper price. Furthermore, it fortuitously (for Cinemex) discouraged potential competitors in the high-end field, such as AMC and Lowes, from entering the Mexican market. The value of the Mexican Peso continued to substantially decline. This made it continuously cheaper for Cinemex to use US Dollars to purchase new land to build Mexican movie theatres. Further, the improving Mexican economy, population growth in Mexico City, and continued emergence of middle class in Mexico all provided opportunities for Cinemex. Graph the time series of attendance and prices for each Wednesday in 2001. What factors account for the week-on-week differences in attendance for Cinemex and the city as a whole? What is the interpretation in terms of a demand curve? Several factors account for the week by week differences in attendance for Cinemex and Mexico City theatres. Factors such as the ticket price, time of the year, popularity of current films, local weather conditions, and timing of holidays all made attendance highly variable from week to week. In terms of the demand curve, it may move out or in depending on the combination of the above variables. In Spring 2001, Cinemexs main competitor introduced 2-for-1 pricing. Describe, in conceptual terms (and using a demand diagram), the effect this had on Cinemexs demand curve. In the same diagram show the effect of Cinemexs price response. Conceptually, when Cinemexs competition introduced 2-for-1 pricing, the demand curve for Cinemex moved in (or left). At a given ticket price, a certain percentage of moviegoers who would typically choose to see a film at Cinemex would instead choose to forego the additional quality of Cinemexs theatres and take advantage of Cinemexs competitions lower prices. In the chart below, D0 (blue line) is the demand at a given price for Wednesday showings at Cinemex before the 2-for-1 pricing was introduced by competitors. D1 (red line) represents the reduced demand for Cinemex after 2-for-1 pricing was introduced by competitors. Finally, the bullet point outlined in yellow on line D1 reflects Cinemexs new Wednesday 2-for-1 price. 0: Equilibrium before price changes 2: Cinemex lowers price on Wednesdays 1: Cinemex demand moves left after competitors introduce 2-for-1 pricingC:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeMEDIAOFFICE14BulletsBD21298_.gifC:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeMEDIAOFFICE14BulletsBD21434_.gifC:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeMEDIAOFFICE14BulletsBD21434_.gifC:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeMEDIAOFFICE14BulletsBD21434_.gifC:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeMEDIAOFFICE14BulletsBD21298_.gif Please note, D1 is shown to the left of D0 since we are speaking in conceptual terms. In actuality, other factors beneficially impacting Cinemex may place the true location of D1 to the right of D0. Further, the price change took place over a year after the initial placement of D0. Therefore, there is some time for beneficial factors to have a sum impact that is relatively more positive than the negative impact Cinemex competitors price drop would have. We explore these possibilities in later answers. How would you construct a counter-factual scenario for what would have happened had this 2-for-1 pricing by competitors not occurred? [Suggestion: one useful place to start might be to compare 2001 to 2000. Explain your answer in terms of the diagram you drew in the previous question. The 2-for-1 pricing by Cinemex competitors did not occur until after week 13 in 2001. Therefore, by comparing the weeks 2 through 13 in 2000 and 2001, we can estimate the increase in attendance from comparable periods in the remaining weeks. This growth factor, or ratio, can then be applied to the 2000 attendance figures in order to estimate what the attendance in 2001 would have been if Cinemexs competitors had not put forth the 2-for-1 deal. Applying the growth factor eliminates the effects of Cinemexs competitors 2-for-1 deal and creates counterfactual data that takes into account other socioeconomic factors driving increased attendance over time. These socioeconomic factors include low unemployment, low inflation, population and GDP growth, and the continued emergence of the middle class. Essentially, this methodology allows our team to reconstruct the original demand curve (D0) and account for growth in the overall market. Construct this counterfactual for attendance. Discuss how you isolate the effect of the competitors price change from the effect of all the other things pushing demand around (the stuff you discussed in part (b)). Be clear about the extent to which you are able to do this (remember no analysis of real data is ever perfect in this regard, but it is important to be able to spot the limitations of whatever methodology you do employ). The table below illustrates attendance at Cinemex on Wednesdays. Weeks 2 through 13 can be analyzed between 2000 and 2001 to determine a growth factor for Cinemex. This growth factor is determined by taking the ratio between the average attendance numbers of 2000 and 2001 for Block 1. In this case, the growth factor is equal to 1.09 (it is the same between 2001 and 2002). The predicted Cinemex attendance for 2001 (depicted in the table below) is determined by multiplying the 2000 attendance numbers, for Blocks 2 through 5, by 1.09. The result of this calculation gives the attendance numbers that Cinemex would have seen had its competitors not established the 2-for-1 deal. Wednesday Attendance Figures Cinemex 2000 2001 (without 2-for-1) 2001 (with 2-for-1) Block Weeks Actual (Avg) Predicted (Avg) Actual (Avg) 1 2 to 13 51602 56445 56445 2 14 to 22 60762 66231 57305 3 23 to 27 66626 72622 67124 4 28 to 34 97717 106511 105479 5 35 to 48 46195 50353 *60642 NOTE: The year was broken down into 5 blocks in order to better analyze the effect of seasonal demand. Week 1 and weeks 49 to 52 were omitted due to the volatility of the holiday seasons attendance. Also, predicted and actual numbers match for Block 1 due to this period being utilized for determination of the growth factor. *- Indicates that both Cinemex and its competitors are using 2-for-1 pricing. Using this counterfactual, quantify the impact of competitors 2-for-1 pricing in Cinemexs Wednesday attendance? Our team analyzed the difference in predicted and actual weekly attendance on Wednesdays at Cinemex during the time period when Cinemexs competitors utilized the 2-for-1 deal and Cinemex maintained its pricing (Blocks 2, 3 and 4). The data indicates that the competitors 2-for-1 deal adversely impacted Cinemexs actual attendance. We observe attendance figures that are lower than the predicted attendance figures. The below table quantifies the average weekly impact of the competitors 2-for-1 deal. To arrive at the estimated dollar impact, we multiplied the difference between predicted and actual attendance by the average ticket prices during each Block. For example, the average ticket price during Weeks 14 to 22 was $20.98. Therefore, $20.98 times 8962 equals $187,288.41. Weekly Impact on Cinemexs Wednesday Attendance 2001 2001 2001 Block Weeks Predicted minus Actual (Avg/week) % Dollar Value of lost Attendance (Avg/week) 1 2 to 13 0 0.00% $ 0.00 2 14 to 22 8926 -13.48% $ 187,288.41 3 23 to 27 5498 -7.57% $ 114,216.15 4 28 to 34 1032 -0.97% $ 21,552.93 Please note, Block 5 was not included in this impact analysis because it encompasses the time period during which Cinemex matched its competitors 2-for-1 deal. Cinemex was most adversely impacted during Weeks 14 to 22 and Weeks 23 to 27. Fortunately for Cinemex, the 2-for-1 deal offered by competitors had only a minimal impact on the summer months. This is likely due to the superior quality of socioeconomic conditions and movies offered during this time (i.e, summer blockbusters). It appears that individuals are willing to pay a higher price to watch superior movies in a superior environment. Overall, Cinemexs actual attendance during Weeks 14 to 34 was 1,589,718. Our team predicted that had the competitors not implemented a 2-for-1 pricing strategy, Cinemex would have had attendance numbers of 1,704,766. This represents an impact of 6.7%, or 115,048, on attendance over the 21 week period in which Cinemex did not offer a 2-for-1 deal and its competitors did. Taking the average ticket prices during Blocks 2, 3, and 4 ($20.98, $20.77, and $20.88 respectively) and multiplying it both actual and predicted revenues allows us to evaluate the dollar impact. Total actual revenue was $33,213,977 and predicted revenue was $35,621,524, a difference of $2,407,547 or 6.76%. Building on the strategy you developed, quantify the impact of Cinemexs own 2-for-1 deal on its Wednesday attendance? Discuss your methodology in terms of a demand diagram framework. Cinemex matched its competitors 2-for-1 deal in Block 5. Based on the data, it appears that this time period has reduced demand compared to the summer months. Demand appears to be similar to Block 2 (Weeks 14 to 22). Therefore, had Cinemex not matched the 2-for-1 deal and maintained their prices, we assume that their attendance numbers for Block 5 would have dropped by the same percentage as Block 2, or 13.48%. Wednesday Attendance Figures Cinemex 2001 No 2-for-1 Deals Both Use 2-for-1 Only Competitors Use 2-for-1 Block Weeks Predicted (Avg) Actual (Avg) Predicted (Avg) 5 35 to 48 50353 60642 43565 As illustrated in the table above, Cinemexs actual average weekly attendance during this period was 60,642. Cinemexs predicted average weekly attendance for Block 5, assuming no 2-for-1 deals, is estimated by using the aforementioned 1.09 growth factor. This provides an estimate of an average weekly attendance of 50,353. If Cinemex had not engaged in the 2-for-1 deal, and its competitors did engage in the 2-for-1 deal, then we predicted the average weekly attendance for Cinemex would decline the same as it did in Block 2, by 13.48% of the No 2-for-1 Deals figure, or a total weekly average of 43,565. This decrease is identical, in terms of percentage (13.48%), as the predicted impact of competitor pricing on Block 2. Blocks 2 and 5 represent the worst case scenario for Cinemex in terms of attendance totals and represent the point of highest demand elasticity. Overall, Cinemexs actual attendance during Weeks 35 to 48 was 848,988. Our team predicted that if Cinemex chose to not use the 2-for-1 promotion, attendance would have been 690,910. This is a difference of 239,078. The actual average ticket price for Block 5 was $15.20. Our team assumed that the average ticket price would have remained roughly the same in Block 5 as it had been in Blocks 2, 3, and 4 had Cinemex not chosen to do the 2-for-1 promotion. The average ticket price for Block 5, therefore, would have been the same as the average ticket price for Blocks 2, 3 and 4, or $20.88. This results in actual ticket revenue of $12,908,555 versus predicted revenue of $12,734,921. The 2-for-1 promotion improved ticket revenue by $173,634.h) Extending the analysis from the previous question, provide an estimate of Cinemexs demand elasticity (with respect to its own price) for Wednesdays. Extending the analysis from Part G, two points on the D1 demand curve have been established and the elasticity (within the 2-for-1 market) can now be estimated for Wednesdays. At the $15.20 ticket price, elasticity is -0.75. This represents a relatively inelastic demand and Cinemex should increase price. Demand Elasticity Estimate Cinemex Block 5 Attendance Block 5 Attendance Cinemex Not Using 2-for-1 Cinemex using 2-for-1 Attendance 43565 60642 Price $20.88 $15.20 Elasticity -0.75 The equation for the 2001 Cinemex Demand Curve is: , or, in other words, . Knowing that ; we can determine elasticity at any point of the curve. Taking the derivative of the Demand curve gives us: ; and so the elasticity equation becomes: ; for any point along the demand curve. Bottom line: Was Heyman right to match the 2-for-1 pricing? Discuss Our team believes that Cinemex should not introduce yearly 2-for-1 pricing. As illustrated in the chart below, our team developed a scoring system to determine which pricing strategy would be most effective. Cinemex Employs 2-for-1 Deal 2-for-1 customer Regular customer 20.43% 79.57% Revenue Ticket Price $15.20 $15.20 Concession Per Person $10.00 $13.96 Other Revenue Per Person $0.20 $0.24 Total Revenue $25.40 $29.40 Expenses Concession Expense Per Person $2.70 $3.77 Payroll Per Person $3.82 $3.82 Supplies Per Person $3.18 $3.18 Occupancy Expense Per Person $6.10 $6.10 Total Expenses $15.80 $16.87 Total Income Per Person $9.60 $12.53 Weighted Average $11.93 x20.43% Attendance Growth Final Score $14.37 The following assumptions were made: We took year 2000 actual attendance for Block 5, multiplied by the expected growth rate of 1.09, and arrived at 50,353. From here, we saw the actual attendance in 2001, when Cinemex did match prices, to be 60,642. This is an increase of 20.43%. Therefore, on average, we expect a 20.43% increase in attendance as a result of the 2-for-1 promotion. This increase in customers would be made up of a stingier group of individuals. These individuals, instead of paying $13.96 on average for concessions, would pay $10.00. Also, the other revenue would drop by roughly the same proportion to $0.20. We found the average income per moviegoer and arrived at the weighted average of $11.93. Then, seeing as attendance increased by 20.43%, we arrived at a final score for this solution of 14.37. Finally, we assumed screen advertising would stay the same since Cinemex is now playing to more full theatres rather than half-empty theatres. Argument can also be made that scale could reduce per-ticket costs, but we did not believe the attendance boost was substantial enough for that. In contrast, had Cinemex not implemented 2-for-1 pricing, the final score would be higher, 18.51. Cinemex Does Not Employ 2-for-1 Deal Regular customer Income Ticket Price $21.18 Concession Per Person $13.96 Other Revenue Per Person $0.24 Total Revenue $35.38 Expenses Concession Expense Per Person $3.77 Payroll Per Person $3.82 Supplies Per Person $3.18 Occupancy Expense Per Person $6.10 Total Expenses $16.87 Total Income Per Person / Final Score $18.51 The final score here is 18.51, higher than 14.37. This is because Cinemex cant discriminate against the type of customer. By reducing the ticket price for all customers, it negatively impacts its box office revenues. 80% of the customers would have attended had prices not been reduced. Furthermore, our assumption that the growth will be fueled by stingier customers reduces concession stands sales. These factors combine to make it a money-losing proposal to offer 2-for-1 deals. If Cinemex could somehow strategically target certain Wednesdays or certain customers, the 2-for-1 proposal may be more viable. Overall, as it stands now, Cinemex should not offer a 2-for-1 deal for all Wednesdays.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Their Eyes Were Watching God :: essays research papers
Janie is the novel's hero. The story is told in first person as she narrates the story of her life to her friend Pheoby Watson. This is a story of one woman's search for love in the world. From the beginning of Janieââ¬â¢s story under the pear tree, she tries desperately to ââ¬Å"find who she isâ⬠and this consist of obtaining three different husbands. Janie has gone through a lot in her life time the fact that she is a product of white rape - causes her to be lighter-skinned than other black women. Because Janie is an ââ¬Å"unusualâ⬠woman concerning her physical characteristics this is a major factor during her marriage to Joe Starks and interactions with Mrs. Turner. Joe (Jody) Starks is Janie's second husband. She meets one day while still married to Logan. Joe proposes to Janie several weeks later, she accepts and feels that she can finally get away from Logan and start a new life. Joe's desire is to be a "big voice," in the community. This soon creates conflict for his new wife. Janie understands she is an ââ¬Å"ornamentâ⬠for Joe because of her physical characteristics. Joe wants Janie to be seen and not heard. He wants her to be his ââ¬Å"light-skinned trophyâ⬠for the people of Eatonville to envy. Joe realizes that his wife Janie is very beautiful and he becomes jealous of other men lusting after her. Because of this, Joe restricts Janie by forcing her to always tend the store and wear a head rag to hide her beautiful hair. Joe wants complete control of Janie and sometimes he beats her when she does not obey him. I feel that Joe's search for power and to have the dominant role over women is very emphasized and presence. To ââ¬Å"top it offâ⬠, Joe makes Eatonville's black community ââ¬Å"bowâ⬠to him as non-equals. Sometimes the things that Joe does are traditional white behavior. When Joe dies his meanness left him friendless, with only Janie by his side. After Joe Starks dies, Janie realizes that her grandmother had "taken the biggest thing God ever made, the horizonâ⬠¦and pinched it in to such a little bit of a thing that she could tie it about her granddaughter's neck tight enough to choke her. She hated the old woman who had twisted her so in the name of love" (85). The novel's title is taken from Chapter 18, as the hurricane strikes the Everglades. Their Eyes Were Watching God :: essays research papers Janie is the novel's hero. The story is told in first person as she narrates the story of her life to her friend Pheoby Watson. This is a story of one woman's search for love in the world. From the beginning of Janieââ¬â¢s story under the pear tree, she tries desperately to ââ¬Å"find who she isâ⬠and this consist of obtaining three different husbands. Janie has gone through a lot in her life time the fact that she is a product of white rape - causes her to be lighter-skinned than other black women. Because Janie is an ââ¬Å"unusualâ⬠woman concerning her physical characteristics this is a major factor during her marriage to Joe Starks and interactions with Mrs. Turner. Joe (Jody) Starks is Janie's second husband. She meets one day while still married to Logan. Joe proposes to Janie several weeks later, she accepts and feels that she can finally get away from Logan and start a new life. Joe's desire is to be a "big voice," in the community. This soon creates conflict for his new wife. Janie understands she is an ââ¬Å"ornamentâ⬠for Joe because of her physical characteristics. Joe wants Janie to be seen and not heard. He wants her to be his ââ¬Å"light-skinned trophyâ⬠for the people of Eatonville to envy. Joe realizes that his wife Janie is very beautiful and he becomes jealous of other men lusting after her. Because of this, Joe restricts Janie by forcing her to always tend the store and wear a head rag to hide her beautiful hair. Joe wants complete control of Janie and sometimes he beats her when she does not obey him. I feel that Joe's search for power and to have the dominant role over women is very emphasized and presence. To ââ¬Å"top it offâ⬠, Joe makes Eatonville's black community ââ¬Å"bowâ⬠to him as non-equals. Sometimes the things that Joe does are traditional white behavior. When Joe dies his meanness left him friendless, with only Janie by his side. After Joe Starks dies, Janie realizes that her grandmother had "taken the biggest thing God ever made, the horizonâ⬠¦and pinched it in to such a little bit of a thing that she could tie it about her granddaughter's neck tight enough to choke her. She hated the old woman who had twisted her so in the name of love" (85). The novel's title is taken from Chapter 18, as the hurricane strikes the Everglades.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Readymade Garment Industry in India Essay
In depth market scenario includes; ââ¬â Current market size estimates, including domestic market and exports ââ¬â Market size by players ââ¬â Top Companies ââ¬â Market size by product categories (By Type) ââ¬â Menââ¬â¢s wear, Womenââ¬â¢s wear , Kidââ¬â¢s wear , Other (Uniforms) ââ¬â Market size by regions ââ¬â North, South, East, West Market structure details the value chain key playersââ¬â¢ presence across products. Market practices include understanding the Opportunity in Readymade Garment sets business, market trends, Distribution structure and pricing in India. The report also provides a snapshot of key competition, past market trends with forecast over the next 5 years, anticipated growth rates and the principal factors driving and impacting growth Market data and analytics are derived from a combination of primary and secondary sources Table of Content Section 1: Background Scope of this research Research aim and objectives Research methodology Section 2: Executive Summary Market landscape Future opportunity Section 3: Market Overview Product classification Market structure Players presence Key market trends Distribution structure Typical price points Section 4: Estimate of Market Size in India All India market size ââ¬â Domestic, Exports, Imports Past 3 years market growth Section 5: Market Share Estimates Market size by players Market size by product categories Market size by regions Section 6: Factors Impacting Market Growth Market drivers Market challenges Market restraints Section 7: Market Forecast Overall market forecast ââ¬â FY 13 to FY 18 5 years market forecast by product categories For more information kindly visit: http://www.marketreportsonindia.com/consumer-goods-market-research-reports-11507/opportunity-in-readymade-garment-industry-in-india-2014.html About MarketReportsonIndia Market Report on India is a portal where you can access thousands of reports on India starting from Aeronautics to Zinc (A-Z). We provide you with reports which will help you gain a better understanding of the Sectors, Companies, New Products and Latest trends.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Aging A Progressive Functional Decline Of The Body And Mind
Aging, is the process of growing old, it is defined as the gradual biological deterioration of normal function, as a result of changes made to the mitotic cells, post-mitotic cells, such as neurons. These changes would consequently have a direct impact on the functional ability of the major organs such as the heart, lungs and kidneys biological systems such as the nervous, digestive and reproductive system and ultimately the organism as a whole. Aging is a progressive functional decline of the body and mind, a continually deterioration of physiological function with age according to Flatt, (2012), the inevitable age-related process of loss of viability and increase in vulnerability as stated by Partridge and Mangel, (1999).â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Activity theory proposes that social activity and involvement with others results in an increased ability to cope with aging, improved self-concept, and enhanced emotional adjustment to the aging process as stated by Tosato et al., (2007) The Continuity theory states that as elderly adults adapt to changes associated with the normal ageing process, they will attempt to rely on existing resources and comfortable coping strategies. This theory of aging states that older adults will actually maintain the same activities, behaviors, and relationships as they usually did in their earlier years of life. As older adults try to maintain this continuity of lifestyle by adapting strategies that are linked to their past experiences, decisions and behaviors will form the foundation for their present behavior. Continuity of self which occurs in two ways internal and external. Whereas internal continuity occurs when one wants to preserve some aspects of oneself from the past so that the past is sustaining and supporting one s new self, external continuity involves maintaining social relationships, roles and environments such that internal and external continuity are maintained, life satisfaction is highShow MoreRelatedMemory Is Key For Self Identity And Well Being Essay1429 Words à |à 6 Pagespeople grow older and their bodies start to decay, so do their brains. Their bodyââ¬â¢s single most important organ, st arts failing. And that disease is called Alzheimerââ¬â¢s, and it transforms the way someone sees the world around them. 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